Run a Process in the Foreground or the Background  

Sunday, November 11, 2012

To run a process in the background:
[command]  &

To suspend a foreground process and place it in the background, use the following steps:

  1. Press CTRL+Z
  2. Enter: bg 

To bring this background process to the foreground again,
  1. enter: fg

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How to customize BASH profile?  

If you wanted to customize your .profile, .bashrc or .bash_profile, visit this link, awesome references:


Changing directory colors:

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How to use vlookup for microsoft Excel?  

Monday, July 2, 2012

Wondering how to use vlookup to search for a value?

Scenario 1:
Search a target cell to find out the existance from another column.

In the example above, we use the formula


we are searching cell D3 ('C') against column B (B:B), if exist, return value from B#, FALSE is to find exact match.

Scenario 2:
Search a target cell E8 ('D') against column B8:C10, if exist, return the value from column C.

=abs(h8-f8) to get the differences. ABS value of 0 means E9 value of 5 equivalent to B9 value of 5.

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