CTAGS Tips and Command  

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Run vim (full path /usr/misc/bin/vim)
Type :tj (Example: :tj api_Timer::clear, choose a number)
You are there!

:tj[ump] (or move your cursor to it and press "g Cltr+]"*)
Jump to the tag directly when there is only one match

Jump to next matching tag

Jump to previous matching tag

Jump to first matching tag

Jump to last matching tag

:po[p] (or Ctrl+T)
Jump to older entry in tag stack

Jump to newer entry in tag stack

Show the contents of the tag stack. The active entry is marked with a '>'

:tj /^get
Lists all the tags that starts with "get"

:tj /norm
Lists all the tags that contain "norm", including "id_norm"


List all of the definitions of the last tag

*By default, Cltr+] is escape character for telnet. You can disable it through
Windows DOS: telnet -e '' (two single quote ')
Unix: telnet -E
You should use dtterm (/usr/dt/bin/dtterm) to enable vim to support color mode

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How To Generate CTAGS and Configure It To Use With VIM?  

Many of you wondering how to generate ctags and configure it to use with Vim? Here, you at the right place.

What is ctags?

According to ctags sourceforge.

Ctags generates an index (or tag) file of language objects found in source files that allows these items to be quickly and easily located by a text editor or other utility. A tag signifies a language object for which an index entry is available (or, alternatively, the index entry created for that object).
Tag generation is supported for the following languages:
Assembler, AWK, ASP, BETA, Bourne/Korn/Zsh Shell, C, C++, COBOL, Eiffel, Fortran, Java, Lisp, Lua, Make, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, REXX, Ruby, S-Lang, Scheme, Tcl, Vim, and YACC.
Below is 6 (six) simple steps to generate the ctags and use it with your vim.

- you need to have unix
- you need to have vim

Notes: you can generate ctags to use in windows but I haven't tried that before.

1. Download the ctags source from


I'm using ftp://ftp.sunfreeware.com/pub/freeware/SOURCES/ctags-5.7.tar.gz

2. gunzip and untar it.

3. run ./configure

4. run make

if 'make' does not exist in global environment. Search for it by
find / -name make 2>/dev/null

12:37:35 > /usr/ccs/bin/make

--> after make you will see .C get compile and with .o output file.

5. cd to $HOME directory

6. Generate the tags

ctags -f --recurse --langmap= --languages= --verbose

12:37:35 >
/gateways/yapywa/ctags/ctags-5.7/ctags -f tags --recurse --langmap=C++:.C.h.c.cpp.hpp --languages=C++ --extra=+q --fields=+i --verbose /gateways/yapywa/ALU_CORE

7. SET CTAGS in VIM under .vimrc

se tags=/home/yapywa/tags

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How to capture Unix console screen output?  

Many of you might want to capture the screen output of the unix console for references later or wanted to show the output to another counterpart.

This command is particularly useful in 2 scenarios:

1. During a training, where instructor do a demo using the endless list of command that you have difficulty to remember and jotting down.

At many instances, even you can jot down the command you might not even able to remember what is the output of the command.

Put it this way, many of us, learn from example. Hence being able to capture the screen output is very important.

2. If you are a student and you need to show your program output to your lecturer. Use this command.


script [filename]

CTRL+D to exit the script command

=========== For Instance =========
$ script script.out
Script started, file is script.out
$ date
Tue Mar 17 17:04:07 SGT 2009
$ time

real 0m0.00s
user 0m0.00s
sys 0m0.00s
$ ^D
Script done, file is script.out

$ cat script.out
Script started on Tue Mar 17 17:04:03 2009
$ date
Tue Mar 17 17:04:07 SGT 2009
$ time

real 0m0.00s
user 0m0.00s
sys 0m0.00s
$ ^D

script done on Tue Mar 17 17:04:11 2009

So simple, right ......

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